ASCII Code 8
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 8 is represented by the control character ␈ also known as the backspace. Attribute Value Symbol ␈ Unicode Symbol ␈ Decimal 8 Octal 10 Hexadecimal 8 Binary 0000 1000 Description Backspace Category Control Characters Subcategory Printing and display control Unicode U+0008
ASCII Code 7
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 7 is represented by the control character ␇ also known as the bell, alert. Attribute Value Symbol ␇ Unicode Symbol ␇ Decimal 7 Octal 7 Hexadecimal 7 Binary 0000 0111 Description Bell, Alert Category Control Characters Subcategory Miscellaneous codes Unicode U+0007
ASCII Code 6
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 6 is represented by the control character ␆ also known as the acknowledge. Attribute Value Symbol ␆ Unicode Symbol ␆ Decimal 6 Octal 6 Hexadecimal 6 Binary 0000 0110 Description Acknowledge Category Control Characters Subcategory Transmission Control Unicode U+0006
ASCII Code 5
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 5 is represented by the control character ␅ also known as the enquiry. Attribute Value Symbol ␅ Unicode Symbol ␅ Decimal 5 Octal 5 Hexadecimal 5 Binary 0000 0101 Description Enquiry Category Control Characters Subcategory Transmission Control Unicode U+0005
ASCII Code 4
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 4 is represented by the control character ␄ also known as the end of transmission. Attribute Value Symbol ␄ Unicode Symbol ␄ Decimal 4 Octal 4 Hexadecimal 4 Binary 0000 0100 Description End of Transmission Category Control Characters Subcategory Transmission Control Unicode U+0004
ASCII Code 3
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 3 is represented by the control character ␃ also known as the end of text. Attribute Value Symbol ␃ Unicode Symbol ␃ Decimal 3 Octal 3 Hexadecimal 3 Binary 0000 0011 Description End of Text Category Control Characters Subcategory Transmission Control Unicode U+0003
ASCII Code 2
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 2 is represented by the control character ␂ also known as the start of text. Attribute Value Symbol ␂ Unicode Symbol ␂ Decimal 2 Octal 2 Hexadecimal 2 Binary 0000 0010 Description Start of Text Category Control Characters Subcategory Transmission Control Unicode U+0002
ASCII Code 1
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 1 is represented by the control character ␁ also known as the start of heading. Attribute Value Symbol ␁ Unicode Symbol ␁ Decimal 1 Octal 1 Hexadecimal 1 Binary 0000 0001 Description Start of Heading Category Control Characters Subcategory Transmission Control Unicode U+0001
ASCII Code 0
In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 0 is represented by the control character ␀ also known as the null character. Attribute Value Symbol ␀ Unicode Symbol ␀ Decimal 0 Octal 0 Hexadecimal 0 Binary 0000 0000 Description Null character Category Control Characters Subcategory Miscellaneous codes Unicode U+0000
Understanding the "Classic Confinement" Warning in Snap Packages
If you’ve ever installed a Snap package on your Linux system, you may have encountered an error message like this one: 12345error: This revision of snap "node" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to, which may put your system at risk. If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --classic. This warning can be unsettling,...
Standard ASCII Table: A Complete Reference of 7-bit ASCII
Note: Refer to the ASCII table for character encoding, ASCII codes, and comparisons. Use Ctrl+F to quickly find the decimal value or escape character for any character you’re looking for. DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description 0 000 00 00000000 ␀ � Null character 1 001 01 00000001 ␁  Start of Heading 2 002 02 00000010 ␂  Start of Text 3 003 03 00000011 ␃  End of Text 4 004 04 00000100 ␄  End of...
Standard ASCII Table (7-bit)
ASCII (/‘æski:/ ASS-kee), an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It’s a character encoding standard used in electronic communication to represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. ASCII uses a 7-bit character encoding system to represent 128 unique characters, which include both control characters and printable characters. The first 32 code points (numbers 0-31 in decimal) and the last one (number 127 in decimal) are reserved for...
How to Install Redis on Ubuntu with Snap
Redis is a powerful, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. It’s often used in web applications for high-performance caching and session management. Installing Redis on Ubuntu is easy and quick, especially using Snap, which simplifies installation and management. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to install Redis on Ubuntu using Snap. What is Snap?Snap is a package management system that allows you to install software packages (called...
How to Install `.deb` Packages on Ubuntu
If you’re using Ubuntu and need to install a .deb package (the standard package format for Debian-based distributions), you have several methods to do so. This guide will walk you through the process using different approaches to suit your preferences. What is a .deb Package?A .deb file is a Debian software package that contains all the necessary files and metadata required to install software on a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu. You may download .deb packages manually or use a...
How to Convert LocalDateTime to Long Timestamp in Java
When working with dates and times in Java, you may often need to convert a LocalDateTime object into a long timestamp, typically representing the number of milliseconds or seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC). This can be useful for database operations, APIs, or any scenario requiring a numerical representation of date and time. Step-by-Step Conversion ProcessJava’s LocalDateTime is a part of the java.time package introduced in Java 8. Since LocalDateTime is time-zone...
Introduction to Redis Bitmaps
Bitmaps are not an actual data type, but a set of bit-oriented operations defined on the String type which is treated like a bit vector. Since strings are binary safe blobs and their maximum length is 512 MB, they are suitable to set up to 2^32 different bits. You can perform bitwise operations on one or more strings. Some examples of bitmap use cases include: Efficient set representations for cases where the members of a set correspond to the integers 0-N. Object permissions, where each...
How to Install Node JS Latest Long-Term Support Version on Ubuntu 22.04?
Node.js is a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that lets developers create servers, web apps, command line tools and scripts. Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that lets you build scalable and high-performance applications. With the release of Node.js v22, developers now have access to new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This article will guide you step-by-step on how to install Node.js v22 on Ubuntu 22.04. Step 1: Update Your Package...
Redis HyperLogLog PFSELFTEST Command
SyntaxThe basic syntax of the PFSELFTEST command is as follows: 1PFSELFTEST The PFSELFTEST command is an internal command. It is meant to be used for developing and testing Redis. Available SinceVersion 2.8.9 or later. Time ComplexityN/A ACL Categories@hyperloglog, @admin, @slow, @dangerous Return ValueReturns OK. Example1234127.0.0.1:6379> PFSELFTESTOK(0.53s)>
Redis HyperLogLog PFDEBUG Command
SyntaxThe basic syntax of the PFDEBUG command is as follows: 1PFDEBUG subcommand key The PFDEBUG command is an internal command. It is meant to be used for developing and testing Redis. Available SinceVersion 2.8.9 or later. Time ComplexityN/A ACL Categories@write, @hyperloglog, @admin, @slow, @dangerous